We recruit CDL A, CDL B and Non CDL Drivers. We can recruit drivers with endorsements if needed such as Air Brake, Doubles and Triples and Hazmat. I will need to know if your company has any specific requirements when hiring a driver such as accidents and or points allowed. Also, if any violations are not accepted that are found on an MVR please advise. 

When drivers come in and apply with Action Staffing-Group (ASG) we go through a strict hiring process that is compliant with DOT. 

1.     Driver fills out our application.
2.     We check the current Medical Card of the driver to ensure it is valid and up to date.
3.     We review the application and pull the drivers MVR so we can see the most up to date records. 
4.     If the MVR has any accidents or point history, we will contact the driver to ask what caused him/her to receive any violations or accidents. 
5.     If the MVR meets your hiring requirements, we move to the next step which is checking the previous 10 years’ work history. 
6.     We will send our candidate to a local facility to take a DOT Drug Test. 
7.     We check the drivers Clearinghouse. 
8.     We review the last 7 days statement of hours worked.

If the driver passes our screening and we feel he/she is a fit for your company, we will email a copy of the complete DQ File to the person in charge of hiring drivers from your company to review. That person will either approve or not approve this candidate. If approved, we will schedule an in-person interview and road test. This will allow your team to go over the job details with the driver, meet them and observe them driving to ensure you are comfortable with them behind the wheel just like you would do to any driver you hire off the street. 

If this person passes the interview and road test, they are ready to start your training process as a driver. We have a 6-month program. A driver will be under ASG for 6 months operating for you. Once we hit 6 months you are eligible to hire this driver onto your company payroll with no fee or they can continue our payroll. If you decide to hire a driver early, we have a conversion fee. That fee will vary based on how long the driver has been working. 

We cover Payroll, Workers Comp Insurance and Unemployment Insurance. The driver will be under your Liability Insurance. We also do our own payroll in house. Should there be any errors we can pay our employees the same day leaving our associates happy and not disgruntled. Everyone gets paid on Friday. We offer Direct Deposit or Pay Cards to our associates.